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Jaime "Venum" Burgos

Private Session


The next few years Venum spent all of his free time devouring the art of breaking, from documentaries to training under mentors, and eventually joining the world-renowned Skill Methodz crew, again via a chance meeting at a dance club. With a crew of equally devoted dancers and the grit of a lion, Venum set out to become the best with nothing more than the love he had to be great. By the way, if you ever have the chance to witness him in action, and we hope you do, the one thing you’ll notice is that he makes it look EASY! His precision, fluidity, explosive power, and ability to “sting” the competition is what earned him his B-boy name, Venum. P.S. In case it crossed your mind, no he didn’t give that name to himself. It is tradition in the breaking community to be given a name by others based on your style. According to Teknyc, Venum only seemed appropriate. Venum went on to land his dream job a few short years later working at Universal Studios Orlando as a stunt person in Terminator and a dancer in G-Force and Street Breakz. He had done it! He made it! It was his first time leaving Tampa and he felt like he had it all: an eight-year contract, gaining global recognition in competitions around the world with Skill Methodz, and a framily (friends whom are your chosen family) within his B-boy community. But once his contract expired it was time to face a big decision, does he stay in Florida in search of a new theme park gig or does he trust his gut and aim for something higher? With that question still up in the air, a trip to L.A. to visit some of his other crew members who’d taken the leap seemed reasonable. And in that short vacation Venum went to his very first commercial audition ever…and booked it! Okay Universe, sign received, bags packed, now it’s time to do the damn thing! Having an unwavering faith that he had what it took paid off quickly. Within six months the dancer had joined the Screen Actors Guild and found himself dancing on screen for Step Up 3D, Honey 2, So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing With The Stars, and many more. On stage Venum was fortunate enough to work alongside some of the greatest entertainers of our time: Janet Jackson, Gwen Stefani, Justin Bieber, Avril Levine…the list goes on. But this article isn’t a means to be braggadocios, more so to illustrate that no matter who you are or where you come from, taking chances and following your dreams will always find a way to reward you. Perhaps not in the way you expected, but some

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